Flying Probe Tester (FPT) with Embedded JTAG Solutions
Integration of Embedded JTAG Solutions in Flying Probe Tester (FPT)
The Flying Probe test procedure is a flexible solution for testing discrete analog components. With very precise needles ("probes") Flying Probe testers are particularly suitable for small and medium production volumes.
The Flying Probe test’s disadvantage, its execution speed, can be reduced to the lowest level by combining FPT with Embedded JTAG Solutions.
A particular advantage of this combination is the ability to apply the probes as virtual Boundary Scan cells, allowing traces to be tested which were previously untestable with Embedded JTAG Solutions.
Advantages of the Integration in Flying Probe Tester (FPT)
very high fault coverage even with highly compact boards
high flexibility and fast development time due to avoidance of the specimen-specific adapter
"testing without test points" through possible contacting on component pads
simple test program creation, as each test procedure is applied technology-specifically
fast overall system due to possible test step reduction
Additional Test Options at Board and System Level
Specially designed integration packages in various performance classes contain a hardware and software configuration tailored to the ATE (Automatic Test Equipment). The functions of the SYSTEM CASCON software platform are integrated into the ATE software for Flying Probe Testers. A common error report completes the integration solution.
With this combination of test technologies, the user benefits from a multitude of additional test options at board and system level over the entire product life cycle. In contrast to individual systems, integration offers significant advantages in test coverage, diagnostic depth and process optimization.

Praxisbeispiel: Trützschler Group SE
Erhöhung der Testabdeckung durch Kombination von Teststrategien
Um die Testabdeckung zu erhöhen, setzt die Trützschler Group In-Circuit-Tester und Flying-Probe-Tester von SPEA ein und kombiniert diese mit den Boundary-Scan-Integrationspaketen von GÖPEL electronic. Die Einbindung dieses IEEE1149.1 Teststandards ermöglicht tiefgehende Test- und Programmieroptionen auf Chip-, Board- und Systemebene – während des gesamten Produktlebenszyklus‘. Die nahtlose Integration sorgt für ein schnelles Gesamtsystem, das gerade bei kompakten Baugruppen eine hohe Testabdeckung und Kosteneinsparungen durch reduzierten Testpunktbedarf erreicht.