JTAG/Boundary Scan - is probably the most ingenious test process

What is Boundary Scan? What is a scan test?

Boundary Scan is an electrical test method, detecting structural errors in circuits. Scan test essentially means “testing at the periphery (boundaries) of a circuit”. The elements used for testing are located in the periphery (at boundaries) of the circuit. The so-called boundary scan cells are interconnected as an overlong shift register, into which the test patterns are shifted and acquired measured values are shifted out serially; hence the term scan test is also used.

For this kind of testing GÖPEL electronic uses a Boundary Scan Controller, this can be extended by additional hardware components, e.g. I/O modules.

All GÖPEL electronic hardware products are completely supported in the JTAG/Boundary Scan software platform SYSTEM CASCON. Therefore the test programs between different controllers are in principle cross-compatible.

The integrated JTAG/Boundary Scan software environment can be utilised throughout the entire product life cycle.

The Embedded JTAG Solutions: SCANFLEX

More about JTAG/Boundary Scan



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