

嵌入式JTAG解决方案的质量主要取决于所使用软件的性能和架构。 SYSTEM CASCON™是一个软件平台,其中包含用于自动测试程序生成的综合工具。

软件包可以完美满足开发、生产和客户服务的需求, 通过 CASCON GALAXY适用于测试方法 

The main features of our software concept

  • a fully integrated software platform
  • maximum productivity due to intelligent tools
  • maximum safety for the test vectors
  • extended test depth for non-scannable circuitry
  • combination of state-of-the-art test and programming strategies
  • deep interaction and integration capability for other ATEs
  • maximum modularity and scalability
  • personalisation of the entire system (myCASCON)
  • support during the entire product life cycle
  • a portfolio containing more than 100 software tools and edition

Mit SYSTEM CASCON realisieren Sie reine ISP-Anwendungen (In-System-Programmierung) sowie weitere Programmier- und Testanwendungen.

► Erfahren sie mehr zu den CASCON Editionen

为确保软件始终处于最新状态,在客户网站 GENESIS上始终提供升级和更新包。

Register now and view the webcast from 2023-06-28.

► New features in SYSTEM CASCON 4.9


München, Deutschland

  • 18. - 21.11.2025


Picture of person Steffen Kamprad - Sales Manager
先生 Steffen Kamprad