Stand-alone Production Programmer for Embedded ISP

In-System Programming of Microcontrollers, Flash Components and PLD/FPGA

Are you looking for a stand-alone programming solution, but can do without overhead testing? FlashFOX® is a stand-alone production programmer that can easily be integrated into existing ATE systems. 

FlashFOX® programs microcontrollers, flash components and PLD/FPGAsusing debug and communication interfaces. Despite its compact design, FlashFOX® achieves the highest programming speeds. Both in the laboratory and production, the FlashFOX® works time and cost-efficiently because up to eight different DUTs can be programmed and validated simultaneously.

The system design consists of a compact master unit and extremely small remote PODs that ensure maximum signal integrity despite of high distances. Control is via hardware commands (stand-alone via ATE interface) or a host system. FlashFOX® serves different debug interfaces (such as JTAG, SWD or DAP) or communication interfaces (SPI, I²C or UART) on the DUT side. Dedicated programming drivers ensure the shortest possible programming times. 

Highlights FlashFOX®

  • support of many programmable devices, e.g. eMMC, NOR and NAND, CPLDs, FPGAs
  • programming interfaces e.g. SPI, SWD, I2C, JTAG, UART, DAP
  • real parallel high-speed programming
  • FlashFOX® control via GBit LAN, WLAN, USB 3.0, serial (RS232) or ATE interface
  • FlashFOX® master unit with up to 8 high-speed programming channels to the POD
  • very compact POD unit for easy integration into ATE systems
  • simple adaptation to existing systems on the hardware side
  • API available for easy software integration in existing systems
  • suitable for industrial use in 24/7 operation
  • dedicated programming drivers to ensure shortest programming times
  • anti-piracy protection (security)

Embedded In-System programming (ISP)

As an alternative to on-socket programming or pre-programmed microcontrollers/parallel memories, with embedded ISP the device is programmed in the already installed state (in the system). This means that no mechanical stress is placed on the circuit and firmware updates are simplified. 


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Implementation of highly flexible and customised programming sequences using JavaScript

Programming procedures can be just as flexible and complex as the PCBA itself. Multiple actions often need to be carried out in succession and in dependence on each other.

The FlashFOX is the first production programmer to support the execution of JavaScript, which also forms the basis for internal procedure processing. With the help of a graphical user interface and generators, the JavaScript is automatically generated.
This allows users to select, parameterise and sequence predefined actions, such as a chip erase, program or verify. But the use of JavaScript offers even more advantages. Scripts can be adapted, added to or programmed manually from scratch at any time. All the possibilities of JavaScript are available to the user. With the help of variables, loops and control structures, such as IF commands, complex and very flexible processes can be created. Even the manipulation of programming data is possible at runtime.

JavaScript also allows the integration of your own libraries to expand the possibilities. Thus, the execution of JavaScript allows the FlashFOX to implement very flexible and customised programming sequences.

The expertise from GÖPEL electronic

We at GÖPEL electronic have years of experience in the field of JTAG/Boundary Scan. We have developed numerous test and programming solutions for electronics development and production with the advanced SCANFLEX II architecture.

FlashFOX® represents a native, logical extension of our embedded programming product portfolio.  In the field of Embedded JTAG Solutions, this is particularly suitable for the more demanding professional and expert level applications.

Application scenario

Securing the PCBA prior to programming

Often, numerous constraints must be met before memory chips and UUTs can even be successfully addressed. This starts with extensive power-up sequences. With the help of a microcontroller, CPLDs or FPGAs, different voltage domains must be switched on and monitored one after the other. Without observing the correct switching sequence, timings or safety mechanisms, the desired functions could be compromised or even damage the DUT.
Memory devices are often protected by complicated security circuits. This is to prevent the wrong data from being written or content from being read in the first place. This is a major challenge for programmers, because successful programming is not possible without direct control over all the signals necessary to switch on the PCBA correctly.

The FlashFOX solves this problem by implementing a SVF execution. Boundary Scan Shift Vectors are stored in an SVF file. This allows Boundary Scan operations to be performed and signals to be set, read and verified.

In this way, design-specific and complex power-up sequences and security mechanisms can be implemented. SVF files are standardised and can be generated from a variety of development environments (including GÖPEL electronic's SYSTEM CASCON).

ADEPT standalone production programmer, 8-channel, network-compatible, multimode

promotional reference: EP200916


More about the programmer and its Embedded JTAG Solutions


  • FlashFOX

    Stand-alone production programmer for Embedded In-System Programming (ISP)

    3 MB
  • Embedded JTAG Solutions

    Testing and programming every assembly

    23 MB





Picture of person Steffen Kamprad - Sales Manager
先生 Steffen Kamprad