New developments at electronica 2018

Testing and programming from the cloud / 3D AOI for small manufacturers

At the electronica 20108 in Munich, GOEPEL electronic will present a wide range of test and inspection solutions for electronics development and production. From 13 to 16 November, new technologies and products will be shown in hall A3, booth 351.

ChipVORX-SI is a future-oriented platform using powerful FPGA-IP for test & in-system programming. The cloud-based corepiler solution combines maximum flexibility with easy handling and no need for special knowledge. ChipVORX-SI will support completely new application possibilities in the future.

The new JULIET Series 3 will be presented for electrical testing in the production environment. The compact test system combines the entire system electronics and the UUT adaptation in one device. New in the third series are a discharge circuit and a CION-LX module to use design-embedded processors as intelligent control units for universal test and programming operations.

Furthermore, the JTAG/Boundary Scan Controller SCANFLEX II will be shown in 19-inch housing. The SCANFLEX II BLADE 4 can integrate up to three independent controllers with separate connectors in 1 HE.

In the field of inspection solutions the AOI system THT Line has been significantly expanded: a new camera module now enables the 3D inspection of THT solder joints. This allows the inspection of solder flow and solder volume as well as the height determination of THT pins. PCBs can be handled both with and without workpiece carriers.

The stand-alone AOI system Basic Line · 3D is now also equipped with a new camera module. The 3D · ViewZ combines 3D metrology and full angled-view inspection. This allows viewing assemblies in 360° steps for maximum fault detection. Low-volume manufacturers now can use 3D AOI at low cost.

The solder paste inspection system SPI Line · 3D and the inline X-ray system X Line · 3D complete the portfolio of test and inspection at the GOEPEL electronic booth.  

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GOEPEL electronic at the electronica 2018

electronica 2018: Hall A3, Booth 351

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