New SCANFLEX II TAP Interface Card (TIC) for full 5V compatibility


With the SFX II TIC01 GÖPEL electronic expands the range of TAP Interface Cards (TIC) for the Embedded JTAG Solutions Controller. The SFX II TIC01 represents the front-end module in the direction of the Unit Under Test (UUT) and is therefore of particular importance for the reliable and correct control of the connected buses. The design of the TIC meets all these requirements, especially with regard to the control of 5V systems. In addition, the SFX II TIC01 is compatible with the equivalent solution for the first SCANFLEX generation, making it easy to port applications.

The SFX II TIC01 is an internal TAP Interface Card (TIC) for operation with the SCANFLEX II controllers SFX II CUBE and SFX II BLADE. It complements the existing range of TIC modules and can be placed on any slot of the controller. This openness ensures the necessary flexibility for a wide variety of applications such as Boundary Scan Test (BST), Processor Emulation Test (PET), Embedded Programming and Debugging. The new TIC is based on the GÖPEL electronic CION™ circuit as driver ASIC and offers a programmable voltage range of 1.8V...4.5V for full 5V compatibility. Combined with other features such as programmable impedance, programmable input voltage, special protection function and integrated universal switch, it can be optimally adapted to the respective DUT.

 SCANFLEX II TIC01 - TAP Interface Card 01

TAP Interface Card 01

Created by Matthias Müller | | Embedded JTAG Solutions

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