JTAG Enabled Processor Emulation for Intel Arria 10 SoC

New ChipVORX and VarioTAP IP Models

GOEPEL electronic has extended its embedded board test technologies ChipVORX and VarioTAP with support for the Intel Arria 10 SoC (System-on-Chip). The new IP models simplify testing and programming of the devices.

The ChipVORX and VarioTAP technologies are accessed via JTAG interface and provide high performance test related functions including external SPI Flash programming, access to internal functional blocks, GPIOs, external RAM tests, frequency measurement, high speed interface tests and even Bit Error Rate Tests (BERT), all through simple JTAG access.

Intel Arria 10 SoCs are equipped with a dual core ARM Cortex 9 processor, which can be utilized in a wide range of test applications. As BGA packaging does not allow for direct pin access, the aim of VarioTAP and ChipVORX emulation technologies is to provide embedded tools for testing, hardware debug, flash programming and design validation after assembly. 

Intel Arria 10 Emulation

Processor Emulation for Intel Arria 10 (Image: Intel)

Created by Matthias Müller | | Embedded JTAG Solutions ChipVORX VarioTap Arria

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