A Fresh Breeze for Test and Inspection Solutions at the 2018 SMT/Hybrid/Packaging Show

GOEPEL electronic to showcase new AOI camera module, automatic test program generation and Embedded JTAG Solutions

Test and inspection solutions of today for the electronics production of tomorrow: GOEPEL electronic presents advanced AOI, AXI and SPI solutions as well as everything electrical test at the 2018 SMT/Hybrid/Packaging show in booth 222, hall 4A.

In the field of AOI, a new camera module for inspection of THT components and solder joints will be presented. The THT Line system now has up to 8 angled-view cameras, enabling detection of labels and markings attached to the sides of components. Height adjustability allows component clearance of up to 140 mm.

The fastest way to an AOI test program is demonstrated using MagicClick. Starting with no library entries, a production-ready test program, including library entries derived from CAD data input, is created and automatically optimized. This provides efficient AOI use even for the smallest volumes. MagicClick is presented as part of VarioLine • 3D, the AOI system for full 3D measurement of solder joints and components using a rotating 360 ° angled-view module.

The StingRay X-ray detector of the system family “X Line · 3D” allows high-resolution selective PCB inspection. StingRay’s highly flexible image acquisition concept consisting of high-speed axes and a flat-panel detector allows selective 2D, 2.5D and 3D X-ray inspection. The new technology ensures superior layer separation and brighter images, especially in 3D images, but maintains the balance between image quality and inspection speed.

The latest generation of SPI · Line 3D is being presented with functions for testing of sinter pastes and Direct Copper Bonded (DCB) substrates. Faulty structures with a height of 10 µm as well as solder and sinter pastes with a height of 80 to 150 µm can be inspected.

In the field of the Embedded JTAG Solutions, GOEPEL electronic announces a closer cooperation with the Taiwanese ATE supplier TRI. This will be implemented through integration of the Embedded JTAG Solutions platform SCANFLEX II into the In-Circuit-Tester (ICT) TR5001. By combining these electrical test methods, the user will get even greater test depth.

The JTAG/Boundary Scan desktop tester JULIET Series II has new features. These include U/I measurements per Power Rail and the use of all debug interfaces for VarioTAP. Thus, all production applications (such as simple test execution or complete repair station) can be executed with much more security in the board supply. High-speed programming is also supported by new technologies. The system is ideal for fast prototyping and low volume production.

In addition, the SFX/VPC-AMC128 analog measurement card will be presented. It offers 128 analog I/O channels with +/- 48 V, based on Virginia Panel interface and LAN interface. 

The SMT/Hybrid/Packaging takes place from 05.-07. June  2018 at the Messe Nuremberg.

Hall 4A, Booth 222

GOEPEL electronic to present Test and Inspection Solutions at the 2018 SMT/Hybrid/Packaging

THT Line

New Camera Module for the THT Line

X Line · 3D with StingRay Detector

X Line · 3D with StingRay Detector

Desktop Tester JULIET Series II

JULIET Series II with new Features

GOEPEL electronic at the 2018 SMT/Hybrid/Packaging

Visit GOEPEL electronic in Hall 4A, Booth 222

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