New test and programming options for processors from Texas Instruments, Renesas and Microchip

Software option increases test coverage, simultaneously reduces test duration and verifies the function of the microcontroller

Fast onboard programming and advanced functional testing capabilities: GÖPEL electronic publishes three new software options, so-called VarioTAP models. These models serve developers and producers of assemblies that use the respective processors.  The software option increases test coverage, simultaneously reduces test duration and verifies the function of the microcontroller and its instruments.

The new models are now available for the RM46L852 processors from Texas Instruments, for the RH850/F1 family from Renesas and for the SAM V 71 processors from Microchip.With VarioTAP, development and production users get access to microcontroller areas such as internal flash memory, dynamic RAMS or ADCs.  In this way, the function of these areas can be influenced to create embedded test centers. It is accessed either through the JTAG interface or through debug interfaces such as SWD or DAP. VarioTAP is therefore also a good alternative if the microcontroller does not support Boundary Scan. 

The center of the VarioTAP technology is a so-called base model, which grants debug access. This means that all areas of the microcontroller can already be used. For each basic model, however, there are already finished test procedures, so-called IPs, which can be freely added to the test system. The user can choose from an extensive pool of different test licenses for testing RAM modules or for programming internal and external flash modules. The result is a test system specifically designed for the product. A further advantage is that the data is processed directly by the microcontroller and no longer output via a serial push chain. This considerably reduces the test and programming time. In combination with the SCANFLEX II hardware, which is also dynamically adapted by software to the respective debug interface, all modern processors and microcontrollers are supported.

New VarioTAP Models

New VarioTAP Models

Created by Matthias Müller | | Embedded JTAG Solutions

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