Fast and reliable inspection of THT assemblies with angled-view and automated AOI test program generation

New camera module and MagicClick for THT Line

A new angled-view camera module in the AOI system THT Line enables higher fault detection, especially for hidden components. In addition, the automated test program generation and optimization with MagicClick is now also available for the THT Line, considerably speeding up AOI programming for inspection of THT assemblies.

The THT Line is an AOI system designed especially for parallel inspection of components and solder joints of THT assemblies. With a new angled-view camera module, labels and markings which are visible only on the side of components can be detected. The camera module, with up to eight angled-view cameras, also offers increased fault detection for hidden components. For example, components behind downholders can be detected. Since the camera module is height-adjustable, an inspection height of 80 mm and a component clearance of up to 140 mm is guaranteed.

On the software side, the THT Line now has MagicClick, a software tool that provides fully automated test program generation and optimization, particularly for THT solder joints. With just one click and in the shortest time, an AOI test program including component library is created. In this way, a production-ready test program is available in only a few minutes, resulting in significant cost savings and efficient AOI use even for the smallest volumes.

THT Line

Inspection of THT components and solder joints

Created by Matthias Müller | | Inspection Solutions AOI Systèmes d'Inspection


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