MultiPanel and VIVA 64 Bit Support for Seica Integration

Integration Package Extension

The integration solution for combining the Embedded JTAG Solutions from GOEPEL electronic with the test systems from Seica has been expanded on a functional basis and in terms of software interfaces. PCB panels can now be included in the test sequence by adding additional parameters for the selection of individual assemblies to the Communication Link Software (CLS) as a communication interface between the VIVA software and SYSTEM CASCON. This opens up new possibilities for interactive testing, in which SYSTEM CASCON actively includes the contacted test points in the test generation and execution.

In addition, full 64-bit support has been realised, which ensures integration into all platform variants of Seica's Next> Series. This is the basis for integrating the test sequences created in SYSTEM CASCON as functional test steps into the VIVA test plan. The execution of interactive tests, where the test points contacted by the tester are used as virtual boundary scan cells, is still possible. Linking the software lets the user control the entire test sequence from a single test plan in the VIVA software, leaving the SYSTEM CASCON software completely in the background at the test station.

Seica Integration

Embedded JTAG Solutions Integration for Seica Test Systems

Created by Matthias Müller | | Embedded JTAG Solutions Integration


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