Fully Automated Generation and Optimization of Test Programs with 3D AOI

Savings of up to 80% of the usual time

The system software PILOT AOI Version 6 now has a tool for fully automated generation of 3D AOI test programs. With MagicClick users save up to 80% of the usual time for generation and optimization. This results in highly efficient AOI programming for multiple PCBs, which is particularly relevant for manufacturers of small volumes.

The AOI test program including component library is generated fully automatically within only a few minutes, using a sample PCB. This process generates a production-ready test program; only minimal adjustments are required after.

Typically, inspection in the manufacturing process is possible in less than half an hour, even for complex PCB. In comparison to the conventional approach, MagicClick offers significant cost savings and allows the use of AOI even for the smallest volumes. This guarantees a return on investment of the AOI system in a very short time.

MagicClick executes an automatic layout analysis after importing Gerber and placement data. After that, the required library entries are created and the respective article numbers are assigned. Using the sample PCB and predefined tolerances, the inspection parameters are then automatically adjusted. MagicClick is available in the software PILOT AOI Version 6 for Vario Line · 3D with the camera module 3D · ViewZ.

3D AOI Test Program

3D image with visualized test functions


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