New 3D camera module for stand-alone AOI system Basic Line

Efficient 3D AOI for small batch SMD manufacturers

The stand-alone AOI system "Basic Line" can now be equipped with a new 3D camera module. This allows cost-effective 3D measurement and 2D inspection even for SMD manufacturers with small batch sizes.

The 3D·ViewZ camera module combines 3D measurement technology based on structured light with angled-view inspection from 360 possible angles, allowing maximum fault detection even in difficult-to-view component situations. The Basic Line·3D is an AOI system for manual and flexible loading of different circuit boards, making it particularly suitable for electronics manufacturers in the high mix/low volume sector.

Due to the flexible configuration variants (angled-view, rotary drive, PCB size) it can be specifically adapted to the respective requirements. A special added value of the system is the possibility of using the system for 3D solder paste inspection.

The MagicClick software tool provides significant time savings in the creation of AOI test programs. With no existing library entries, it generates a production-ready test program including component library within a few minutes. The assembly-specific layout is taken into account by importing and automatically analyzing CAD data. Parametrization and optimization is also fully automated and based on real process fluctuations. In total, the time saving for test program creation and optimization is up to 80%. Thus a return-on-investment is already possible after a short time


Stand-alone AOI System with 3D Camera Head

Created by Matthias Müller | | Inspection Solutions AXI

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