CASLAN – the programming language for Boundary Scan tests

The CASCON proprietary programming language CASLAN (CASCON Language) gives test engineers and developers full access to the entire range of test resources. CASLAN is used to implement simple test sequences for setting and measuring individual signals as well as complex test structures. Numerous test functions, from simple LED blinking lights to the control of extensive bus structures and complex interface function tests, are implemented with CASLAN.

This "Bounday Scan language" offers usual options of other programming languages (e.g. variables, processes, jumps and loops) and can therefore be used flexibly for different test requirements. It is also possible to embed external DLLs in CASLAN scripts. 

This enables complex test solutions and even the remote control of additional instruments. The option to freely create CASLAN scripts is fully available to all CASCON development stations.

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Steffen Kamprad - Sales Manager
Mr. Steffen Kamprad