IP Technology


Test & Programming of processors / Processor emulation

The VarioTAP IP technology is used to control a processor using the debug port. You use VarioTAP to access the register level of a microcontroller and use its integrated structures. You can access it via the JTAG interface or other debug interfaces (e.g. SWD or DAP). 

If you are using a controller that does not support Boundary Scan, VarioTAP is a very good alternative. 

The functional structure has multiple stages:

  • flash programming both on-chip and external (e.g. eMMC, NAND, SPI Flashes)
  • functional tests (e.g. ReadADC, DDR Ram Test)
  • own tests via open interfaces

In principle, all modern processors and microcontrollers are supported. Everything works in combination with the SCANFLEX hardware, which can be dynamically adjusted to the respective debug interface (JTAG, BDM, SBW, SWD, COP, etc.).

► More about SCANFLEX hardware

Direct access to the processor creates a universally usable test center that can perform a wide range of operations via VarioTAP control:

  • access test of RAM (DDR2/3/4) with pin diagnosis
  • test of bus connections and bus components
  • test of peripheral I/Os (analog/digital)
  • test of Gigabit interfaces (LAN, USB etc.)
  • hardware debugging and troubleshooting
  • flash programming (NAND/NOR, SPI, I2C)
  • programming of microcontrollers (MCUs)
  • customer-specific real-time tests
  • interactive tests with boundary-scan operations

Many of these procedures are supported by automatic test pattern generation.

In addition,  VarioTAP offers significantly higher flash programming speed than Boundary Scan.

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More Info

More about VarioTAP


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Steffen Kamprad - Sales Manager
Mr. Steffen Kamprad