Compact systems for Automotive Tests

[Translate to Englisch:] Magic CAR compact

Magic CAR Compact

Magic CAR Compact is compact test platform with key features for the development and quality assurance of automotive components. It is also useful for function and endurance tests and simulation and validation of ECUs.

Sound Checker for Sound Analysis

Sound Checker™ is a stand-alone system for sound analysis of structure-borne and airborne noise. It consists of a measurement data collecting unit, structure-borne sound sensors or open air microphones for laboratory and end-of-line solution. Interfering noises and assembly errors in mechanical systems will…

Accoustic Test of Automotive Components

CARoLINE has been developed for the evaluation of the assembly quality and function of electromotive vehicle components. With the help of statistical analyses and the evaluation of acoustic properties you can improve the manufacturing and assembly processes. These methods are provided by the acoustic system…

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GÖPEL electronic GmbH