Local Interconnect Network - the LIN Bus System

The cost-effective alternative to CAN in the automotive test

The LIN bus (Local Interconnect Network) was developed at the end of the nineties as a standard for simple and cost-effective communication in automotive networks and has since achieved a very rapid spread in automotive electronics. The starting point for its introduction was the foreseeable need to reduce the communication volume of the CAN networks, which had reached the limits of their capacity due to the large number of control units and high data volumes in the vehicle. From an economic point of view, the aim was to provide a cheaper, feasible alternative to the more costly CAN interface.

The bus system offers efficient communication in applications that do not depend on the versatility and bandwidth of CAN and sees itself as its "downward" complement. Typical applications of the bus are control units for seat adjustment, window lifters, air-conditioning systems or other simple sensor-actuator applications. The transmission line is a bidirectional one-wire line (maximum data rate 20 kBit/s). LIN is based on widely used and therefore cost-effective standard UART interfaces. A LIN network always connects a limited number of control units with sensors and actuators in the vehicle, which form a self-contained functional unit. The coupling of individual LIN subsystems to the central CAN network of the vehicle is done in each case via a control unit with gateway function, the LIN master (has a master task as well as, in some cases, a slave task). The other participants on the LIN bus operate in slave mode (slave task).

High-end LIN Controller from GOEPEL electronic

Our 62 series communication controllers offer you extensive possibilities for testing and diagnosing your LIN projects as well as for creating residual bus simulations.

Series 62 high-end Multibus Controller with flexible channel configuration

the high-end standalone box G CAR 6282

  • restbus simulation and test of complex control units
  • maximum 18 Automotive interfaces in different configurations (CAN FD / LIN / Ethernet)
  • with extension board 48 I/O interfaces (16 Digital In, 16 Digital Out, 8 Analogue In, 8 Analogue Out)
  • execution of onboard programs in a 64 bit real-time operating system
  • performant Flash programming of control units

Highlights of the Series 62 Multibus Controller

G PCIe 6281 / G PXIe 6281 / G CAR 6281

  • available as PXI/PCI Express and standalone box
  • use for CAN/CAN-FD/LIN/K-Line and FlexRay applications and automotive test systems
  • use for restbus simulationen und testing technology in the automotive area, test of complex control units
  • maximum 8 automotive interfaces in different configurations (CAN FD / LIN / FlexRay / Ethernet)
  • optionally up to 2 FlexRay / 100/1000Base-T1 interfaces
  • up to 8 conventional signals (Digital In / Digital Out)
  • execution of onboard programs in a 64 bit real-time operating system
  • performant Flash programming of control units

More about LIN Interfaces



embedded world

Nuremberg, Germany

  • 03/11/ - 03/13/2025

Gothenburg, Sweden

  • 03/18/ - 03/19/2025
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GÖPEL electronic GmbH